Now that you've seen several types of code generators and the types of things that they can do, it is now time to write a small code generator. 现在您已经见过了几种代码生成器,了解了这些代码生成器可以实现怎样的功能,接下来我们应该开始编写一个小型的代码生成器了。
If you use our automated system of generating registration codes at the time an order is placed, the serial code that a customer enters will be posted to your generator along with all other customer information so that a proper registration code can be given to the customer. 如果你使用我们的注册码自动即时生成系统,顾客输入的产品序列号将与其它客户信息一起发到你的注册码生成服务器上,以便正确的注册码可以发送给顾客。
The shortcomings of the original B time code generator are complex circuit and low reliability. 以往的B码产生器存在电路复杂,可靠性低的不足。
Pseudo-random code signal controlled by satellite clock was transmitted to receiver time delay via satellite antenna, native code was generated generator controlled by receiver clock, and sent it to correlator through displacement circuit, then native code and received satellite signal was calculated to gain coherent output. 卫星钟控制的伪随机码信号经卫星天线传播延时到达接收机,接收机时钟控制的发生器产生本地码,经位移码电路送至相关器与接收的卫星信号进行运算得到相关输出。
In order to realize time synchronization between measuring system and periphery in the angular distortion measuring system, the time-code generator is developed. 为完成角变形测量系统中测量系统与外围设备时间上的同步问题,设计开发了时统部件。
The functions, theory of operation, and a part of practical circuits for the clock and calendar/ time code generator are described in this paper. 本文介绍日历钟/时码发生器的功能,工作原理和部分实用电路。
Development of the Time-code Generator for Angular Distortion Measuring System 角变形测量系统中的时统部件底层开发与设计
The result indicates this B time code generator can show right time after being decoded and has high stability. 实测结果表明:该B码产生器经解调后能正确显示时间,性能稳定可靠。
The phase of its all synchronous pulses are controlled by the clock and calender/ time code generator. 它产生的各种同步信号的相位由日历钟/时码发生器控制。
The Clock anb Calender/ Time Code Generator 日历钟/时码发生器
The clock and calender/ time code Generator is one of control equipments developed for active TV synchronization. 日历钟/时码发生器是为有源电视时频发播控制研制的设备之一。
The IRIG B code generator, a time synchronization device, is integrated with CPLD technique. The experiments show that the IRIG B code generator with CPLD is more concise, simpler and more convenient for debugging than the original hardware electric circuit. 利用CPLD对时统设备IRIGB码产生器进行集成,其实验结果表明,集成了的B码产生器不但简单、可靠,而且便于调试,克服了以往硬件电路复杂的缺点。
Moreover, due to the cost limit and time constrain, the RDF and code generator this paper designs still have room to improve, whose prospect will be discussed at the end. 另外,由于成本和时间的限制,本文所设计的快速开发框架和代码生成器仍有不少改进的余地,本文最后对此进行了展望。